Kate Westlund Tovsen smiling out in the woods by her home.

But who is Kate, really?

Hi! I’m a Coloradan by birth and a Minnesotan by choice.

In the summer of 2024, my family and I relocated from the Twin Cities Metro area to a never-ending DIY project in Ely, a stone’s throw from Canada. (You can follow these adventures — and misadventures — on Instagram!)

You can most often find me doing DIY projects around the house while bingeing a podcast, slowly knitting on the same sweater that I’ve been painstakingly working on for years, putting an obscene amount of cream into my Earl Grey tea, running a Slack community for working moms, or soaking up time with my two little ones.

My bucket list is ever-expanding and most recently grew to include producing a cooking TV series, thru-hiking the Superior Hiking Trail, running a retreat center, and learning how to smoke a fish.

And if you couldn’t tell by now, I have a penchant for the Oxford comma. (But I’m also a style guide nerd and will follow suit as directed. *wink*)